I’m setting up this page for Ken so we can embed the codes from the new YouTube pages he’s setting up to host the feed from our cams. This will let him tweak the settings and see the results as they will be seen by those watching on our website, once we switch to the feeds he is sending directly via Wowza. ~JudyB
I’ve found instructions from YouTube for making links that change automatically when the YouTube page link changes, so I’m using those here.
As of 2 pm on April 10, our pages for both Delta cams and White Rock North are embedded here, so these are direct feeds to YouTube. White Rock WA is in testing, and the new pages for White Rock CU and the Harrison Mills cams are streaming but need a bit more work before we can view them directly (you can get a preview – but you’ll need to click the link to view on YouTube before seeing the stream), and then probably a bit of testing before they’re ready to be embedded.
WR WA Auto Update Link
HM N Auto Update Link
D2 East Auto Update Link
WR North Auto Update Test
WR CU Auto Update Link
HM-S Auto Update Link
Delta 2 West Auto Update Link
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