Children, Environment, News, People
Trees will make your child ‘smarter’…..and other benefits…see below…lets share this information and repeat this mantra!! Cheers , Christine Bishop Research conducted in Toronto (full article attached) and a nice summary of benefits below:...
Eagle, News, People, Wildlife News
Ontario Provincial Police are on the hunt for suspects following the theft of a large bird of prey from an aviary about 75 kilometers west of Toronto. CTVNEWS.CA Read...
Animal, News, People, Wildlife News
Chinese scientists have successfully cloned two monkeys, breaking a key barrier to cloning humans. NBCNEWS.COM Read More:
Animal, Environment, News, People, Wildlife News
Pegasus Equine Guardian Association files preliminary injunction motion to protect Ft. Polk horses. Animal advocates filed a motion earlier this week for a preliminary injunction requesting ….. WORLDANIMALNEWS.COM Read...
Animal, Bird, News, People
A veterinarian on Manitoulin Island is starting to make home visits to treat his patients. CBC.CA Read More: