Hancock Here, News, Reference
Hancock Here: Why do eagles need help with building or rebuilding their nests? Can’t they build their own nests? Hundreds do this all the time! Most certainly they can build beautiful and functional nests — they have been doing this for a million years. So why...
Bald Eagle Biology, Eagle, Foundation News, News
Eagle Biologist David Hancock was interviewed by Christian Sasse on Sassephoto YouTube channel last Friday June 1st 2018. They had an interaction with the public on the polemic topic about trapping eagles and put a transmitter on them for studies. David Hancock, who...
Eagle, Environment, Foundation News, Hancock Here, movebank, Wildlife News
The eagles are back, and they’re more fashionable than ever. More than 50 years ago, raptor specialist David Hancock counted three pairs of nesting eagles in the Fraser Valley. Read more