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Gleneagles Nest Information

Hancock Wildlife Foundation, in partnership with the North Shore Eagle Network, is excited to announce that we have installed two new cameras in the Gleneagles neighborhood of West Vancouver in the fall of 2024.  The North Shore of Vancouver is home to 21 pairs of nesting bald eagles, and these will be the first live streaming eagle cams on the North Shore.  The nest is 90 feet/27 meters up, with a good view of the eagles’ primary hunting perch on Bird Islet, 790 meters or 1/2 mile away.   There are houses nearby, so some views may be limited by privacy screens on the cams.


Two cameras were installed by a climber on September 3, 2024, one above the nest, and the second in a nearby tree.  It took a few more weeks for all the internet and electrical lines to be installed and connected, and then there were a few of the usual quirks, so it was October 6 before the cams were streaming consistently.

One of the adults was seen on the nest on October 6; both were seen by a ground observer at one of their usual nearby perches on October 10, and we finally got to seen them both working on the nest on the cams on October 13 (link to forum posts).

We would love to have more people, especially those who know a bit about the area, join our forum and post their observations as we get to know these eagles.  Here’s the link to our observation/discussion thread for the eagles – – and you don’t need to join the forum to read the observations and see the pictures and videos posted there.  However, if you’d like to join the discussion (and we’d love to have you!), there is a link at the upper left of every page where you can Log In if you’re already a member, or register to join if you’re not.  Registering is free and easy, though it may take up to a day for your registration to be approved as we have to do that manually and aren’t always online.  ~JudyB

Update – our eagles have names!  The male is named Glen, after Gleneagles, and the female is named Gladys, because the local observers who provided the names thought it went well with Glen.

Gleneagles North

Gleneagles South

Nest History


There have been eagles nesting in the area for at least 10-20 years, and local observers report that no chicks fledged in 2017 or 2018.  There was one fledgling observed in 2019 and one in 2020.  2021 was a bad year for productivity across the North Shore; the pair had at least 1 chick, but it died when 1-2 weeks old.  No chicks fledged in 2022, and one chick fledged in 2023.  2024 was a sad year – there were two chicks, and both died when they were about 6 weeks old.  We are hoping 2025 will be a happy year.

Please join us on the Gleneagles Discussion Forum and share your observations, click below.

Thanks to everyone who made these cams possible!
WV-378 C is located in the Gleneagles neighborhood of West Vancouver, BC, and the North Shore Eagle Network organized the fund drive and GoFundMe campaign that provided for the purchase and installation of the cameras.
Thank you all!


Nest Adoption

2025 Nesting Season – September 2024 – August 2025

This Nest has been Adopted By:

~ Charlie Ipcar ~
~ gemini ~

Nest Location

Map showing the area of West Vancouver where the HWF Gleneagles bald eagle cam is located

Gleneagles Bald Eagle Nest WV-378 C
and surrounding area

This map shows the part of the Gleneagles neighborhood of West Vancouver, BC, where the nest is located (map clicks bigger).  Our Delta 2, Surrey Reserve, Boundary Bay Central, and White Rock nests are south of Vancouver, so below the area shown on the map.

Note, the map is for reference only; the exact location is not public to avoid any potential disruptions in the lives of the eagles and those living near them.  Thanks!

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