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Hancock Here!

From time to time, David Hancock fills us in on what’s been going on at the Hancock Wildlife Foundation:

First, the Good! Earlier this week Mike and Diana Seear were at the Harrison River, and while only 695 eagles were counted on the flats this is a good number so early in the season. What is more important, the side creeks and rivers were loaded with spawning Chum Salmon ...
Hancock here: Great 7-hour bird tour that revealed both the normal local breeding Tufted Puffin and the largely Alaskan breeding Horned Puffin. After a wonderful boat ride to Smith Island, about 2 hours out, we not just saw about a dozen of the 34 nesting Tufted puffins the Island hosts, ...
Hello everybody, I’ve just posted a new movie on my YouTube site,"The Extraordinary Salish Sea” This movie is both a reflection and celebration of the remarkable inland sea that we live on. The Sea is extraordinary - remarkable for its backdrop of mountains and iconic volcanoes, climates that range from ...
I have just finished my first 82 pages of the text. Myles Lamont, who has been my closest associate building nests will be adding his contributions, and several of our specialist climbers and HWF directors and keenest supporters, like Mike Seear, Larry Dorosh, and Brian Mitchell who have accompanied me ...
Recently, for the American July 4th Celebration I did a podcast on the American Emblem -- the Canadian Bald Eagle. If any of you are still unsure of my background with eagles, here is one version of it. It is kind of ironic that my start of working with bald ...

Biography of David Hancock

Biologist, conservationist, writer, publisher, and lecturer, David Hancock has spent most of his life studying west coast and arctic wildlife. He has published scientific and popular papers on whales, seals, seabirds, grouse, and his specialty, the northern raptors. Prior to starting Hancock House Publishers, David was a pilot and wildlife film producer and produced films on these subjects as well as the Haida and other northern Native cultures. His books include The Bald Eagles of Alaska, BC and Washington, Rocky Mountain Wildlife, and The Tlingit:Their Art & Culture, Story of Eagle. David received worldwide acclaim given to the Live Bald Eagle Video Cam which he pioneered streaming on the Internet. His current study on The Urban Bald Eagle of Vancouver BC has turned up over 360 nesting pairs in the greater Vancouver area. David Hancock is an enthusiastic and dynamic lecturer and has a fine collection of slides to illustrate a number of themes. His studies and travels have taken him to all continents of the world, and he frequently addresses conservation societies on the conservation and creation of better bald eagle habitat, the turacos of the world, the grouse of the world, arctic adventures and an African photo safari — just a few of his pet topics. David does not charge for his lectures to conservation or educational groups but does require travel cost reimbursement and readily accepts an honarilium to the Hancock Wildlife Foundation for more CAM or eagle research. David’s favorite power point presentations are on the “Success and Challenges for Bald Eagles”, various conservation issues or the role of Live Wildlife CAMs in Science and Education. David is also available for consultation on getting bald eagles to nest in your area OR on your property. As a publisher/writer/photographer for over 40 years he is also called upon to lecture on the publishing industry, getting published, non-fiction writing, and photojournalism. To contact David Hancock: Telephone: (604)538-1114 Fax: (604)538-2262