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BACA01 (tracked 2/9/18 – 3/28/19)

BACA01 is an adult male captured on 09 February 2018 at Vancouver Landfill in Delta, about 20km east of Vancouver as the eagle flies. He was banded by Myles Lamont and Sandi Lee, and has a blue leg band M over 2 on his left leg.. This bird interestingly traveled south towards Bellingham, Washington, shortly after release and we lost all contact with him for several weeks until he reappeared on March 11 2018 near the Canadian border in Sumas, WA. While away, he traveled down to the Oregon/Washington border along the Columbia River just south of Kennewick, WA and spent several days along the Columbia River before heading north back to Canada, and then up to Alaska, where he spent several months before heading back through BC to Washington state.

Personal note from JudyB: BACA01 was the first eagle we followed – and we have no idea what happened to cause him to stop transmitting.  As some of you know, I’m an eternal optimist, so I’m going with the theory that he caught a really big fish, and it managed to knock off the tracker, or flapped enough to break it. Or maybe it just wore out. Wherever you are, BACA01, I wish you fair winds and lots of fish!

Please check out our forum page for his travels – forum member SueB has some great pictures of the areas he explored –  There are also some great pictures of him on the second page on the forum, with a link to them in the first post.


Summary of Recorded Travels:

Banded February 9, 2018, at the Vancouver Landfill in Delta, BC.

Headed South, ending up by the Oregon/Washington border along the Columbia River on February 18, and stayed in that area until March 5, when he headed North again.

Crossed back into Canada around March 12.

Continued heading north in a leisurely fashion, crossing into the Alaskan Panhandle March 27 or 28; he spent the spring and early summer mostly on islands off the panhandle, including Wrangell, Woronkofski and Zarembo Islands, then started heading further north on July 5, reaching St. Terese (a bit north of Juneau) around July 8 and staying there until around July 26, when he headed south to Juneau. He explored the area between Juneau and part of nearby Admiralty Island until August 14, when he began heading south down Admiralty Island, then eventually across to Kuiu Island for a while, and back to Zarembo Island on October 20. He stayed in that general area until January 3, 2019, when he began heading south.

He crossed back into BC on January 5 or 6, and headed steadily south, reaching the area around Big Bay and Stuart Island on January 19; he stayed there until January 28, then headed south again. passing by Vancouver on February 4-5. He spent a few days near Abbotsford, gradually making his way south, and crossed into Washington state around February 12.

He did not go as far south this time, spending some time in Rockport, ending up near the Sauk River, near Darrington, where he spent February 26-28. Then he headed north again.

He crossed back into BC and was north of Vancouver by March 2nd. He made good time heading north, and reached Prince Rupert by March 6.

He crossed into the Alaskan Panhandle the next day, and was back to the islands where he spent the most time the previous year by March 10. He spent the rest of March there, uploading data for the last time around 5 pm on the evening of March 28, 2019.

Meet (and adopt!) the Eagles we are currently tracking:

Click here for information on all the eagles we've tracked since we deployed our first tracker in February 2018.

Photo of HWF tracked bald eagle BETA04/Loki

BETA04/Loki (tracked since 7/17/20)

HWF tracked bald eagle BETA04/Loki is a very special eagle to many of us because we watched her grow up ...
Photo of HWF tracked bald eagle BACA03

BACA03/Croydon Sr (tracked 12/4/18 – 6/24/23)

BACA03 was originally banded in 2009; he fell from his nest in June of that year and was hand reared ...
Photo of HWF tracked bald eagle BETA03

BETA03 (tracked since 11/26/20)

HWF tracked bald eagle BETA03 was tagged and banded on November 26, 2020, at the Vancouver Landfill in Delta, BC ...
Photo of HWF tracked bald eagle TERF06

TERF06 (tracked since 11/29/20)

HWF tracked bald eagle TERF06 was tagged and banded on November 29, 2020, at the Vancouver Landfill in Delta, BC ...
Photo of HWF tracked bald eagle TERF07 (Arctic Gal)

TERF07/Arctic Gal (tracked since 12/12/20)

HWF tracked bald eagle TERF07 was tagged and banded on December 12, 2020, at the Vancouver Landfill in Delta, BC ...
photo of HWF tracked bald eagle TERF08

TERF08 (tracked since 12/6/20)

HWF tracked bald eagle TERF08 was tagged and banded on December 6, 2020, at the Vancouver Landfill in Delta, BC.  ...
Placeholder photo for HWF tracked bald eagle TERF10

TERF10/Parksville (tracked since 6/7/21)

TERF10 is a juvenile bald eagle who hatched in 2021 in a nest in Parksville on Vancouver Island and has ...
Mike Seear with HWF tracked bald eagle TERF11

TERF11/Vanier Park (tracked since 7/16/21)

HWF tracked bald eagle TERF11 is a nestling who fell from his nest in Vanier Park in Vancouver, BC; he ...
Photo of 2 of the 3 Hastings eaglets just after release, courtesy of forum member Annemie, early July 2021

TERF12/Hastings (tracked since 7/28/21)

TERF12 fledged from his nest on Hastings Street in Vancouver, BC, (near the Pacific Northwest Exhibition) and subsequently crashed into ...
Fledgling eagle TERF13

TERF13/Pixel (tracked since 8/4/21)

TERF13 and TERF14 were both rescued as eaglets from thick vegetation after their nest near the Boundary Bay Airport fell ...
photo coming soon

TERF15b (tracked since 2/19/24)

HWF tracked bald eagle TERF15b is a juvenile bald eagle who was banded and received a tracker at the landfill ...
Photo of TERF16 at OWL by Myles Lamont, November 5 2021


TERF16 was originally tagged as TEUS03 on January 8, 2019, after spending about 6 weeks at the OWL (Orphaned Wildlife) ...
photo coming soon

TERF17a (tracked since 2/19/24)

HWF tracked bald eagle TERF17a is a juvenile bald eagle who was banded and received a tracker at the landfill ...
Photo of TERF22 at OWL by Myles Lamont March 10 2022


TERF19 is a bald eagle who was tagged in March 2022. We are hoping to get more information about him ...
Photo of bald eagle TERF20


TERF20 is a bald eagle who was tagged in early March 2022. We are hoping to get more information about ...


TERF21 is a bald eagle who was tagged earlier in 2022. We are hoping to get more information about him ...


TERF22 is an adult bald eagle who was tagged in May 2022. We are hoping to get more information about ...
Photo of TERF23 by Diana Seear

TERF24 (tracked since 1/12/2023)

TERF24 was banded and equipped with a tracker on June 7, 2022, while she was still a nestling in the ...
Photo of TERF26/Annie just after release, courtesy of ECeaglevideo, August 1. 2022

TERF26/Annie (tracked since 7/26/22)

TERF26 is a female bald eagle who has been nesting west of Lighthouse Park in West Vancouver, BC, since the ...
TERF27 (tracked 12/2/22 - 7/16/23)

TERF27 (tracked 12/2/22 – 7/16/23)

TERF27 is an adult male bald eagle who was tagged and banded before being released on December 2, 2022, by ...
Photo of HWF tracked bald eagle TERF27a by K. McCormick

TERF27a/Bee (tracked since 8/12/2023)

TERF27a is one of two chicks raised by TERF26/Annie and her mate Sam in 2023.  He either fell or was ...
Photo of TERF28 by Myles Lamont

TERF28 (tracked since 12/31/2022)

TERF28 is an adult female bald eagle who was tagged before being released on December 31, 2022, by the Orphaned ...
Photo of Sally with HWF tagged eagle TERF31

TERF31/Harbour Sun (tracked since 6/16/23)

This page is a work in progress - more info soon! ~JudyB HWF tracked bald eagle TERF31/Harbour Sun was tagged ...


For further, in depth information about this exciting project, click here