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What Drives Number of Nests in a Territory

Alternative Bald Eagle Nests – a Plethora in Some Areas – Not in Others- Why? Here is a good Thesis topic — but it needs a Sponsor! In most of nature there are usually multiply reasons why some behavior or action takes place. Why do some eagles  make...

Bald Eagle US Status Update

Bald Eagle US Status Update — from the Center for Biological Diversity. ((June 22, 2007)) It is always good to see something positive in the conservation field. Generally we humans continue on our destructive path: overusing and overpopulating the world —...

We Need Bald Eagle Nest Watchers

Bald Eagle Nesting Season Underway – We Need Eagle Nest Watchers. National Request: While I started out my studies in the Northwest several decades ago and really started to get “Eagle Watchers” – people keeping a watch on the local Vancouver area eagle nests – I now...

How to Set Up a Bald Eagle Census

Guidelines for Establishing a Meaningful Wildlife Count: 1. SET OBJECTIVES The objective for most counts by naturalist groups is to show: —– Regional changes in the species numbers over years —– Seldom are we measuring absolute changes in...

To Feed or Not To Feed

Many conservation organizations and governments not just support feeding wildlife but depend upon the funds raised from selling bird food or the taxes generated.  Feeding wild birds is big business.  It is also a practical business.   Undoubtedly the only way our...