Ways to Donate to Hancock Wildlife Foundation
(a “Not-for-Profit” Society – Canadian Charity Number 83124 7127 RR0001)
A tax slip will be provided automatically if you donate via CanadaHelps, otherwise, we can mail one if requested
Updated for 2023
1 – CanadaHelps
First, you can donate via CanadaHelps. CanadaHelps is a great organization that helps small non-profits like HWF handle online donations. You don’t need to be in Canada to use CanadaHelps – but if you are, you’ll get the necessary receipt to deduct your donation to HWF – and everyone will get an immediate acknowledgement of their donation. There is a 4% service charge for CanadaHelps, so if you can give a bit more, that would be great! You can use the link below to pick an account (like cam repairs, adopt a nest, or support Annie’s tracker) and make your donation.
Donate via CanadaHelps Now!
2 – Paypal
Next, we also welcome donations via PayPal. PayPal also provides an immediate acknowledgement of your donation, and also has a 4% service charge – which is actually less than we’d have to pay to be able to receive donations via credit card – but again, if it’s an option, donating a bit more ($104 for a $100 donation) would be great. The button to donate via PayPal in general is to the Right, or, use one of the specific purpose campaigns below.
Update – August 27, 2023 – The yellow Donate button below isn’t working correctly; for now, to donate via PayPal, please scroll down and click the Donate box under General Fund or one of the specific projects; we apologize for the inconvenience. If you have questions, please email judyb@hancockwildlife.org – Thanks! ~JudyB
Fund A Tracker
How do our 35,000 to 50,000 Northern breeding eagles find their way down to the Vancouver area to winter here? Equally important, but a very different story, what routes do the 1000 breeding pairs of south west breeding BC eagles use to fly up North to find the early spawned-out salmon runs before the freeze-up drives them back south? We now know that eaglets who have only been flying for two weeks can get to Alaska in 2 or 3 days — incredible! Help us fund a Tracker so you can follow them on our WEB site and we can…
$500.00 donated -
Esplanade Nest Refurbishment
These donations go directly towards the refurbishment of the Esplanade nest. The nest, built in 2014, needs rebranching, which will require a bucket truck.
$1,079.00 donated of $3,500.00 goal -
Adopt a Nest
Adopt your favourite HWF Nest & Family for the entire nesting season. Your Nest Adoption will assist with the cost of the cams, maintenance and tech support that is required all year long as well as support the mission and mandate of HWF through ongoing education and activities that promote the conservation of wildlife.
$8,298.00 donated -
Eagle Cams/Repairs
Keeping our cams running on our nests is an ongoing activity, with maintenance and repairs happening year around.
$3,052.00 donated of $10,000.00 goal -
General Fund
This helps with the expenses that come with running the Hancock Wildlife Foundation year round.
$4,755.00 donated of $15,000.00 goal -
BETA Program
Live, real-time tracking of Eagles is now a reality – as of July 2022, 12 of our tagged eagles are checking in. Please help us expand the program and learn more!
$2,500.00 donated of $20,000.00 goal
3 – In Person
Third, if you’re at an event where David Hancock, or other representatives of Hancock Wildlife are speaking or staffing a booth, they’ll be happy to receive your donation in person and put it to work; a receipt and tax slip will be mailed back to you if you request one.
And most of all –
Thank you for your support!
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