Our 23rd Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival was both bathed in sunshine and eagles. We had 3277 and 3301 eagles on the two days respectively. We also had record numbers of people. The totals are yet to come in, but all sites were a bit overwhelmed. I don’t think Harrison Mill has seen this many people since the Gold Rush days. We did have a little problem of some overzealous photographers pushing past the signs “Please Keep off the Flats – Give the Eagles a Break” and that of course pushed the hungry eagles away from the fish and the awaiting public. We need to enforce ‘ecological politeness’! But what a day. I personally have not seen this many eagles this early in the year. This may well forecast another record number of eagles as the winter presses on and more eagles arrive from the frozen north.
Thanks to all the Volunteers who made this happen, the sponsors who helped keep one of the biological wonders of the world free to the public, and finally thanks to the wonderful citizens of the Harrison Mills communities along the River who tolerated this incredible invasion of their neighborhoods by eagle supporters. Also, thanks to all the media and nature organizations who spread the word – it worked. I heard from so many people from throughout the valley and an armada from Washington State, at least a dozen from California and a couple who specifically just came for the Festival from Ohio – they had been following our Web Cams for years and this was their year to make the ‘pilgrimage’!
This note will get posted on the Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival and Hancock Wildlife Foundation sites and we invite you to send David your best images/videos and comments to david@hancockwildlife.org to be shared by the the public.
More articles:
2018 Report – Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival
HWF: Project Reports to AGM Nov. 22, 2018
FVBE Festival Photo Request
David Hancock
Jo Anne Chadwick
http://fraservalleybaldeaglefestival.ca/ https://hancockwildlife.org/