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A grant of $25,000.00 has been given to the Hancock Wildlife Foundation with the approval of the membership of WRSN. The Bequest Committee and Executive felt the Hancock Wildlife Foundation application fits the criteria that have been established for the disbursement of McCrae bequest funds.

These funds will be used for a project called BETA (the Bald Eagle Tracking Alliance). The purpose is to track the migratory patterns of bald eagles who return each year to their nesting sites in this area. The money will purchase ten solar-powered GPS trackers.

Eagles will be captured at baited nesting sites and the trackers attached with a lightweight harness. The BETA project has gathered some data from trackers attached to eagles in the first two years of this study, all funded by the HWF itself, but, as in any scientific study, there is a need to expand the work and collect more data.

White Rock Surrey Naturalists
“Posted in WRSN Dec.23 2020  Newsletter.”