Hancock Wildlife Foundation News
Oct 25, 2022: I got out to the Harrison today - despite our 2-month drought, the river, while very low, ...
Give Bob Turner's intimate views a close look: Please note Bob has produced another fine positive story of a species ...
Hi Everyone; We are running a fundraiser to rebuild Delta2 Nest in BC, Canada ( see details on the link ...
Feb 25, 2022 Hancock here: French Creek eagles are flying! Some of you will remember back to pre-covid times, that ...
Subject: My new movie "The Salish Sea - A Single Body of Life" - Hello everybody! If you understood that ...
A specific challenge, question or dilemma faces me. After 65 years of describing one behaviour one way, I believe I ...
David Hancock, Ecologist Nov 21, 2021 - British Columbia is in the midst of tragedy upon tragedy upon tragedy -- ...
Hancock here: That is the extent of my musical talents and be thankful you did not hear me sing this! ...
Hancock here: anybody following our eagles MUST read and understand this incredible review of bald eagle habitat degradation and what ...
October 1, 2021First, many of the eagles have already returned to their nests.Earlier in the week we erected our last ...
The Mosquito Creek pair that had their nest removed by Concert Developments right at the North Shore, and who already ...
Hancock Here: Why do eagles need help with building or rebuilding their nests? Can’t they build their own nests? Hundreds ...
Hancock Wildlife Foundation Calendar
Check here often for a list of upcoming events with the Hancock Wildlife Foundation.
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