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Established by DAVID HANCOCK in 2006 to broaden his at that time more than 60 years of lecturing and teaching about wildlife and conservation, especially bald eagles, to include the web, the Foundation’s mandate is to use the Internet in general and live streaming wildlife video in particular to promote the conservation of wildlife and its habitats through science, education, and stewardship. In David’s words, “Our first live eagle nest cams reached and taught more people in a 4 month period than I had in all my years of lectures combined. This is the way of the future.”

2024 Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival Cancelled

Tracking Bald Eagles

Nest Mitigation

Streaming Cams

Our Mission

The mission of the Hancock Wildlife Foundation is to promote the conservation of wildlife and its habitats through science, education, and stewardship.


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Our Projects

The Hancock Wildlife Foundation currently has numerous open projects that are helping to revitalize birds both in our own area and world wide. See what we have been up to on Our Projects page.


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Donate Now

Hancock Wildlife relies heavily on donations from our viewers. Find out how you can help keep our cams alive and running for years to come.


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From around the world..

Latest News

Another Bald Eagle Adopts Red-Tail Hawk
Biographical note: David Hancock, eagle biologist, & Director of the Hancock Wildlife Foundation. In my 69 years of following bald eagles I have studied how this adaptable fish eagle and scavenger has, once not persecuted by humans, adapted from wilderness living to living very successfully in cities and among humans. HWF introduced popular Live Streaming EAGLE Wildlife CAMS to the public. We specialize in building eagles’ homes where their food supply exists but the nesting options have been long removed by humans. A fascinating biological dilemma: To feed or to eat? When is live prey brought to a nest ...
/ Hancock Here, News
The Fledge & Northern Migration Is About To Happen!
June 20, 2023 I was recently queried about the movements of our two distinct western populations of bald eagles. Here is my response: We, here in southern British Columbia, are about to lose ALL of our breeding eagles and their young. Fledging and the fall migration is about to begin. Most of our followers know the fledging is just about to happen and that instantly, well, with a week or two, initiates the fall departure to the northern pre-set banquet. Nature has had millions of years to adapt to the most efficient use of its diverse energy sources. Our coastal ...
/ Hancock Here, News, Wildlife News
Photo of Bald Eagle
White Rock and Surrey Naturalists, Hancock Wildlife Foundation, Birds on the Bay and Environmental Extravaganza Bald Eagles in Surrey With David Hancock April 30th, Sunday, 2:00 to 3:30 Sanford Hall, Kwomais Point Park 1367 128th St, Surrey, BC V4A 3T5 Free Parking Free & All Welcome For more info: email ...
/ Hancock Here, News
Bald Eagle Nesting: Influence of Avian Influenza?
The 2022 bald eagle breeding season in the Greater Vancouver area was decimated with dying eaglets – and this following the “heat dome year of death.” In some regions less than 25% of the active nests fledged young, down by nearly a half to some one-third in other areas. Why? The biggest and most obvious suspected culprit was the ‘westward advancing Avian Influenzas epidemic’ hitting wild and domestic birds. But was this true? I write this note of a particular series of nest records for which we also have good backup observations by keen Raptor Monitors and our Live Streaming ...
/ Monitor Updates, News
An Anomaly: Who owns this RT vs Bald Eagle Nest?
Hi Raptor Monitors, Challenge: If different people view different species at the same nest – who is correct? Obviously, both are likely right. Only time and more observations, however, might convince both monitors who is the nest owner. Here is an example. RE: Territories: Nests Su-513 and nearby Su-401 The challenge for me is that for the past six years various people have seen both red-tails and bald eagles ‘reported’ nesting in both the 513 and 401 nests. And of course, both conclusions are valid. Both monitors know their raptors and made valid recordings. The observers, initially, were not so ...
/ Monitor Updates, News



BETA eagles banded

BETA Eagles tracked

Meet The Team

Board of Directors

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Our Volunteers

2018 Online Volunteers

The image (clicks bigger) shows the avatars of more than 40 of the Hancock Wildlife Foundation’s online volunteers who run our forum, control our cameras, post observations about the activities on the cameras at our four eagle nests and on other wildlife cameras across North America and around the world, and post observations and stunning photographs of eagles and other wildlife they observe live and in person.

There are volunteers from at least 4 countries, and from a number of Canadian provinces and US states. Several of our cam controllers (usually called “zoomers”) are from the areas near our cams – but others come from a variety of places including Alberta, Nova Scotia, Washington, Oregon, Arkansas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Maine – and England (the country). The rest of our forum volunteers are equally spread out; most are in North America – but we do appreciate having observers in other parts of the world who can watch what happens on the cams in the middle of our night.

Our online volunteers make it possible for us to have a forum with reports on the activities at roughly 40 eagle nests with cams, more than 20 eagle nests without cameras in BC, a number of osprey nests, some owl nests, a cam watching Laysan Albatross in Hawaii, pandas in several zoos, sea eagles in Australia, black eagles in South Africa – and a whole lot more!

Thank you!

Our Research Campaigns

  1. Photo of TERF26/Annie just after release, courtesy of ECeaglevideo, August 1. 2022

    Fund A Tracker

    How do our 35,000 to 50,000 Northern breeding eagles find their way down to the Vancouver area to winter here? Equally important, but a very different story, what routes do the 1000 breeding pairs of south west breeding BC eagles use to fly up North to find the early spawned-out salmon runs before the freeze-up drives them back south? We now know that eaglets who have only been flying for two weeks can get to Alaska in 2 or 3 days — incredible! Help us fund a Tracker so you can follow them on our WEB site and we can…

    $500.00 donated
  2. Esplanade Nest

    Esplanade Nest Refurbishment

    These donations go directly towards the refurbishment of the Esplanade nest. The nest, built in 2014, needs rebranching, which will require a bucket truck.

    $1,079.00 donated of $3,500.00 goal
  3. Adopt a Nest

    Adopt your favourite HWF Nest & Family for the entire nesting season. Your Nest Adoption will assist with the cost of the cams, maintenance and tech support that is required all year long as well as support the mission and mandate of HWF through ongoing education and activities that promote the conservation of wildlife.

    $8,298.00 donated
  4. Eagle Cams/Repairs

    Keeping our cams running on our nests is an ongoing activity, with maintenance and repairs happening year around.

    $3,052.00 donated of $10,000.00 goal
  5. General Fund

    This helps with the expenses that come with running the Hancock Wildlife Foundation year round.

    $4,755.00 donated of $15,000.00 goal
  6. BETA Program

    Live, real-time tracking of Eagles is now a reality – as of July 2022, 12 of our tagged eagles are checking in. Please help us expand the program and learn more!

    $2,500.00 donated of $20,000.00 goal
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There are many ways you can help us at the Hancock Wildlife Foundation

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Working to save the birds

Our Partners and Supporters

The Hancock Wildlife Foundation wishes to acknowledge the very generous bequest of Mr. Jack McRae, a long-time White Rock resident and supporter of wildlife and the natural world. These funds were provided through the support of the White Rock and Surrey Naturalists Society and will be used to further expand our Bald Eagle Tracking Alliance study of migrations and movements of Bald Eagles across the Pacific Northwest.